Drop Intrusive Thoughts and Focus

We are the source of focus and clarity; our opponents are intrusive thoughts and distractions.

We’ve always won the battle because we have the right tools.


Drop Intrusive Thoughts

Empowering you to lead lives of confidence and productive.

Do you care about your focus, clarity and productivity? We do, and we do with pride and passion.

Game Changer Tool and Services

Simple, interactive and effective.

Cognitive Skills Trainer

60+ exercises to train your brain to manage Intrusive Thoughts.

Managed Intrusive Thought Triads

Thought inlet, Thought insole, and Thought Outlet. How to manage thoughts wanting to come to your mind, thoughts already in your mind, thoughts that left your mind.

Personalized Insights

Data-driven and analytical individualized feedback on patterns, pace, moods, trends, and triggers with tailored strategies for improvement.

Focal Clock

Integrated digital timer and clock tailored to guide during experiments and monitor attention span.

Get to know more

What are Intrusive Thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, repetitive, and often distressing ideas, images, or impulses that can interrupt your focus, clarity and productivity. These thoughts may feel difficult to control and can interfere with your daily tasks, relationships, or mental well-being.
