We are the source of focus and clarity; our opponents are intrusive thoughts and distractions. We’ve always won the battle because we have the right tools.
Do you care about your focus, clarity and productivity? We do, and we do with pride and passion.
Core Vision: 1. To be the source of focus and clarity for individuals with ADHD and those struggling with intrusive thoughts and distractions – empowering them to lead lives of confidence and productive.
Core Vision: 2. To create a transformative companion for individuals with ADHD and intrusive thoughts – by giving them access and support to find focus, take charge of their mental health, and lead a life of purpose, clarity, and productivity.
Core Mission: Our product and services are committed to becoming the trusted sources of focus and clarity for individuals with ADHD as well as those dealing with intrusive thoughts. By integrating advanced technology, natural water droplets, sensory experiences, and empathetic design, we aim to offer interactive and effective tools specially tailored to the needs of people with ADHD and those navigating the challenges of an increasingly noisy and distracting world.
What are Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, repetitive, and often distressing ideas, images, or impulses that can interrupt your focus, clarity and productivity. These thoughts may feel difficult to control and can interfere with your daily tasks, relationships, or mental well-being.
How did we come by it?
Intrusive thoughts and mental chatter often arise from our daily interactions with five key elements: People, Past, Future, Media, and Things. From the moment we are born, we engage with these elements—whether consciously or unconsciously—setting the stage for distractions, impulsive thoughts, and mental noise.
On a positive note, consistent and mindful engagement with DropIT and Resources can help neutralize the negative effects of these interactions. DropIT trains your mind to develop the cognitive skills necessary for navigating these five elements, fostering mental clarity, focus, and productivity.
This is the science and philosophy behind DropIT: a practice rooted in the repetitive interaction with nature (water), universal patterns (numerical counting), and advanced technology (AI) to address a generational challenge.
Game Changer Tool and Services – Simple, interactive and effective.
Cognitive Skills Trainer – 60+ exercises to train your brain to manage Intrusive Thoughts.
Managed Intrusive Thought Triads – Thought inlet, Thought insole, and Thought Outlet. How to manage thoughts wanting to come to your mind, thoughts already in your mind, thoughts that left your mind.
Personalized Insights: Data-driven and analytical individualized feedback on patterns, pace, moods, trends, and triggers with tailored strategies for improvement.
Focal Clock: Integrated digital timer and clock tailored to guide during experiments and monitor attention span.